Saturday, January 29, 2011

Finding Peace through meditation

I have decided that my life is in need of daily meditation to relax my mind from all of life's experiences. I sometimes let all that is on my back stay with me through the night. When I get off work I want to learn to leave work at work and relax when I am home.

I have provided a few links that can help you meditate with different exercises that you can do. I think sitting in a quiet place where you can relax your mind is great. Earlier I began to have a headache but when I closed my eyes and took a few deep breathes and focused on something other than the headache I was free from it. I have also uploaded some videos that I found on YouTube and I thought you may like to find some nice sounds to listen to.

I think there many different ways to relax and meditate. I do read the Bible daily and gain some encouragement from my readings.

You can also just sit with all the lights off and some candles lite while listening to some natural sounds to help you relax your mind while taking some deep breathes and closing your eyes and trying to focus on one thing.

There other ways of meditation when you can do different body coordination's. I plan on getting me a place in my apartment that is dedicated to meditation with Christ and just a simple place for peace and prayer in my house. They say to get sea shells, incense ( don't know about the incense that will send me into a Asthma But I have some rocks that would remind me of the ocean and sand as well. Lets get meditated. Think of blessings, God's love and the desire for God to show us peace and humbleness.

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