Saturday, February 19, 2011

One day at a time....

So you know in life we go through things. We can't rush life we have to take things day by day. I'm feeling a little better emotional wise. I went out today and enjoyed the weather. The sun was shinning and just beautiful. I went to a few stores. Funny I have been having issues with my allergies. My throat has been a little sore. Just hoping I can get better. I don't want to miss any work at all. I bought some cheap cold medicine at Dollar Tree. LOL! It knocked me out. I feel asleep.

I'm still not feeling that good but I don't want to take any more right now because I don't want to go back to sleep. I try so hard to stay up on the weekends and enjoy my days off but its hard sometimes because I don't sleep well through the week. Even when I try to sleep in on weekends I find myself still waking up so early, taking a short nap in the day and falling back to sleep before I want to. I'm working on a better sleep pattern. My goal was to meditate more and I have not done that...oops! LOL! I'm getting there.

 I did pick up a YOGA book that came with a DVD today. I'm excited to check it out. (here is a link to a cool yoga site that I saw online I was going to buy a mat at TJ Max but I wondered if I could find one on eBay for cheaper. I have been doing a good job at saving money on different products lately. I write in a journal daily and instead of buying one that was more expensive today I found one that was even cuter for almost $2.50 less. I was excited about that. Anyway I just wanted to drop in and blog. I really enjoy blogging. Soon I am going to be adding some more features. Stay on the look out.


Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Finding my something Wonderful....

Sometimes we go through things in life that really make you feel like your riding a roller coaster. I have always battled with stress my whole life and it really is hard to balance life when you have so much stress. Instead of relaxing I know I often try to organize my stress from day to day. It's like ok what is at the top of my list that I can stress about today?! (lol). It's hard to find peace when we stress about everything. Only God can fix what is bothering or burdening you. I have learned that. It's easier saying you are going to let something go that maybe stressing you out then actually doing it.

I often wonder when I will have that one day where I am worry free. Your guess is good as mine. Sometimes we just have to much on our plates, everything is overlapping on our plates like it's the holiday season. I don't even like all my food touching.(lol) So I know that I have to find ways to manage my stress level with more calming thoughts. My goal is to meditate nightly for about 20 minutes before I go to sleep. I want to sleep relaxed with a peaceful mind. I challenge you to meditate weather it be reading your bible, meditating over scriptures that speak to you. Talking to God, listening to music. Yoga, etc. Find ways to be quiet in your day to meditate and listen for God to speak to you while your in your meditation. I think when we can depend on coming home knowing of your relaxation method will bring you peace in your day.

This would most definitely be my something wonderful. Check on YouTube for great meditation videos.Have a blessed night!

Monday, February 14, 2011

God's Love is 365

I know everyone is all pumped up about Valentines day. I think personally we should love one another by showing the people we love daily, even by a simple I LOVE YOU message. I understand that valentines day is a day that we recognize world wide to be romantic, share with your closest friends and etc. I am just glad that I have God loving me all year long and he shows it to me daily. I just wanted to send out a reminder that God is Love 365 days a year. Every second of the minute. I hope that everyone had a great day.

1 John 4:8 He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.

Mat 22:37 Jesus replied: "'Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.'
Mat 22:38 This is the first and greatest commandment.
Mat 22:39 And the second is like it: 'Love your neighbor as yourself.'
Mat 22:40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments."

Friday, February 11, 2011

Starting from my mind and then....

So I thought I would add one more post for tonight. I am like I have mentioned working on myself. I have a desire to loose weight, continue to build my relationship with God which I am working on daily. I have a lot of other little personal goals that I have been setting for myself. I did join a site that helps you loose weight and track your foods by calories. I have decided to count my calorie intake daily. This week started off rocky so I am setting myself to try again starting Monday. It's easier to start on Monday's for me. Also at my job we have a gym where I can work out for free and a lot of my co-workers utilize it every day and I want to as well so that I can become more active.

If you don't have access to a gym you can look on YouTube and find some simple work outs. I am also going to be on the look out for some beginner work out videos. I think this is a start to do some simple work outs at home. I want to give you a couple free websites to help loose weight. These websites calculate what you weigh, height etc. Once you put in your goal weight pounds you want to loose the sites will let you know how many calories you should intake daily to loose weight. is a simple site that is user friendly. Also one big site is this is a really good website. I did find that it has a  lot of good information but it can be overwhelming at firs because there is so much information on the site. I first joined in 2009 and recently rejoined. This site plans your meals or you can add your meals to track your calories. If you are looking for somthing more simple then go to the other site. Check it out. These sites have communities and a lot of nice people to talk to and get support from. Lastly you can go on YouTube and check out some work outs that you can do at home. Here is a link to a work out by spark   
This is only a ten minute video. I think this is neat. Start of ten minutes and maybe more. I will say my goal is to invest in a piece of work out equipment that will help me loose weight in my arms, belly and legs....Here is a piece of equipment that will work your entire body I would think.
Gold's Gym Stridetrainer 380 Elliptical Trainer
This is Golds Gym Elliptical. I want this soooo bad!!!

Good luck!

Blessed on Top of Blessed....

 Hey everyone. It has been a while since I have blogged. I'm back. Been working hard and guess what I am actually going to start on some school work this weekend so I won't be in the same situation as last time. I have been blessed a lot over the last couple weeks and I owe it all to God. I am so glad that he knows the desires of my heart and know what burdens me. I know that I can depend on him when all else may fail. The Lord never leaves our side. I have so much confidence in the word of God and his teachings. I read and meditate daily so that I can be closer to God. Sometimes I think the devil tries to mess up your flow of plans. He may say to you, don't read the bible now. Read it later. We can procrastinate with God. He comes on time for us. We must do the same with him. No excuses when it comes to the Lord.

On a more personal level. I got a major break through on some bills. I am so blessed and thankful along with really being Humbled by God's work on my life. I just wanted to let people know that you may think your in the worse situation health wise, financially and etc. First off there is someone out there worse than you, secondly if you give it to God he will take care of it just in time. He gives us things that maybe trouble us for a reason. How will we appreciate good if we don't have some bad?

I have really decided this year to make some well needed changes in my life because I have been through so much. I want to be more relaxed and calm. I talked about in a previous post about being humble and finding peace. Everyday is not going to go as planned. It would not be called life if everything was simple. I just hope that I am able to reach out to people around the world that can relate to me. I mostly want to inspire someone. Please always remember to believe in God. Place him in your life. Life is so much meaningful when you have a relationship with Christ. He will never forsake you.

I hope everyone has a blessed and love filled valentines day. We had a little party at work today. I got a lot of candy and little valentine cards. It is those simple things that makes me smile and be so thankful. Every year I use to go out and buy myself candy and stuffed animals for valentines day. I thought if no man would make me happy on earth God gave me the ability to provide for myself. I love me and God loves me more.