Tuesday, December 28, 2010

What a day...for Peppermint Ice Cream

Well today was a good day less the headache I had for most of the mid day leading to this afternoon.
God is able though and right now I am at home relaxing just finished eating some great peppermint ice cream. This is the best ice cream to eat when you are down with a cold the peppermint opens up your nasal passages. LOL! I'm Dr. Z now I guess.
I had a good day at work. Two more days until I'm off for another four days for the holidays. I'm excited about the new year and I can't wait to began getting things on track. Some people think that it should not take a person to the new year to get on track. Well hey it's the only time we have to start off fresh for the great new year! To each is own you have to do what is best for you. No one lives your life for you so people have there own way of doing things and they can't judge how you plan your life or place things. This ice cream along with a nasal decongestant with some head on is working for my headache. God always works it all out. I will not complain.

I placed a link down where you can learn more about this great ice cream. I got it from Kroger for like $2.99 last week. I am just now eating some. Well I wanted to talk a little about my day. I'm excited for more time off though. Oh BTW!! I heard from West at Home...( click under work from home connection for more information if you would like to find out more ).


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