Thursday, July 21, 2011

What a night...

So I was still a little down and out all through yesterday. A friend of mine has been going through a similar situation as I use to be in with a boyfriend and some things happened. Talking to her about things placed me back in a time in my life that was not good and I felt for her because no one deserves to be mistreated or around anyone that has any kind of addiction problem. I've never done drugs in my life and never understood what they were until dating my previous boyfriend that is addicted to drugs.

It can be a very hard thing to deal with. Like I said in my life I'm trying to balance emotions, relationship, finances, work, family and more. It's hard to balance things when you have so much going on in your life. It's hard. I am trying daily to keep strong with in praying because I know God has plans for me and I will be ok in time. It's just hard to find peace when you struggle so much and your heart aches.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011


As I mentioned before that I was in a very long relationship with a person that was addicted to drugs. We had a long history together and within recent months we have separated due to all his issues, lies and hurt. He tends to try to call and come around thinking he can shower me with gifts thinking he can come back in my life. I will never forget the tremendous pain that he has caused me and the worry my family has had over me. Why sometimes I struggle with life, and emotions of all the things that are burdening me, I fall sometimes and give in to someone that I know is not good for me only to get hurt once more. The attachment is way different than before I often expect to be failed by him.

I am just having a hard time right now and last night he came by being disruptive and blaming me for his messy life because he was probably on a drug crave. This is the reality of my stress and that is why I'm trying to build myself up and find great friendships online to share my life experiences with those who may be going through hurt and pain. This will be a series of topics on relationships the next week or so. While I'm going through hard times. I hope everyone has a blessed day.

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Under the...

Weather today. Since Monday I've had a bad belly ache. I'm praying that I will feel better. Hopefully I'll be able to get my medicine for my acid reflux and that may ease my upset stomach. If only medicines were free right? Lol. I'm praying for a great day and I know with Jesus in my life it will be.

Zaundra BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

Hello Tuesday!

Well today was a pretty good day. It stormed earlier but before it did it was so hot that there was a weather advisory! I hope everyone elses weather is ok!
BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Monday, July 11, 2011

Looking thru the window

So as I prepare for my day at work I know God has big plans for my life. I don't ever want to question his works because he is perfect and will guide me where I need to be in my life.

Sometimes it's hard to understand and we try to plan things in our life but the one who holds the key to our door is God.

As I look through the window I wait patiently for God to show me my path next. I hope everyone has a blessed day. BlogBooster-The most productive way for mobile blogging. BlogBooster is a multi-service blog editor for iPhone, Android, WebOs and your desktop

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Continuously Blessed..

It has been a few months since I last blogged! A lot has been going on in my life and I'm just now getting things sort of back together. I just want to encourage everyone that may be going through something hard in your life to please hold on. God has a plan for your life and he will not leave you. God is in the forefront of your life if you allow him and he will create an awesome path for you to follow. In order to find out you just have to meditate his words and listen for his guidance. He will not fail you. Ive been through some really hard time lately and I just continue to pray and leave it all with God because I know he will work it out.

I hope you all follow my YouTube channel which is were I vlog on almost a daily basis about any and everything. My main goal is to encourage people in the world. I have a lot of projects I'm working on so I hope to be able to invite you to help soon. More information at a later date.

Right now I have been coming up with more creative things for my online store website. It is closed right now but I plan to open it back up very soon. It's been hard lately but God has blessed my hands to be creative and with that I give so much praise to him.

Please check out my vlog and subscribe. My user name is: Theelifeexperience
Follow me and be encouraged. Bring your friends by!

Have a blessed Sunday!