Wednesday, July 20, 2011


As I mentioned before that I was in a very long relationship with a person that was addicted to drugs. We had a long history together and within recent months we have separated due to all his issues, lies and hurt. He tends to try to call and come around thinking he can shower me with gifts thinking he can come back in my life. I will never forget the tremendous pain that he has caused me and the worry my family has had over me. Why sometimes I struggle with life, and emotions of all the things that are burdening me, I fall sometimes and give in to someone that I know is not good for me only to get hurt once more. The attachment is way different than before I often expect to be failed by him.

I am just having a hard time right now and last night he came by being disruptive and blaming me for his messy life because he was probably on a drug crave. This is the reality of my stress and that is why I'm trying to build myself up and find great friendships online to share my life experiences with those who may be going through hurt and pain. This will be a series of topics on relationships the next week or so. While I'm going through hard times. I hope everyone has a blessed day.

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